Decca: Indian-inspired Fantasy

Decca is the name of the continent my homebrew DND 5e game takes place on. It is a land and mythos inspired by Indian mythology and history, and is my first campaign. There is a lot of asynchronous writing that happens that has implication for character development but not the main story.

Nature magic is illegal for various religious reasons. Turns out that the reasons are not actually religious, though they may be framed that way for propaganda, but actually because of bad guys doing bad guy things. Part of the story is the party deciding if they are going to do anything about it.

In addition to traditional Indian mythology and folktales, I am heavily inspired by Glen Cook’s Black Company, the Seven from The Boys, and the Band of Blades game I played some months ago.

Watch this space for ongoing writing related to this universe.


Decca: Dhruv the Green Dragon reminisces..


Thraele: Aspiring lich (traditional fantasy)