Thraele: Aspiring lich (traditional fantasy)

Photo by Marek Okon on Unsplash with modifications made to colour levels

Thraele was a chaotic neutral Drow sorcerer I’d played in a DND 5e mini campaign. She became one of my favourite characters ever. An aspiring lich, looking to transcend the trappings of mortality, she started out as a concept I first used in a Swords without Masters one-shot. I just fell in love with the concept of her so much that the very next time I had a chance to create a fantasy character, I fleshed her out.

I generally like to create pinterest boards to capture the ‘vibe’ of a character, but Thraele was so clear to me that I didn’t feel I needed to do that.

The Adventure: I used Thraele in two mini adventures. The story of the first one was that there was a bank that needed to test their security systems so they were looking for powerful individuals to test their mettle. Thraele is always looking for ‘legitimate’ ways to flex her muscles (because she knows that townspeople get weirdly uncomfortable when she flexes her powers around them without consent (it’s less that she is mindful, and more that she can’t be bothered with the hassle of dealing with the law) so she doesn’t have as much chance to really go ham as she’d like). The second adventure was that a company had created a train ride that look passengers three days to travel from one end of the world to the other. but would have to go through a hell dimension. For the inaugural journey, the company hired several powerful mercenaries that can highly recommended to protect the train and first class passengers. Thraele took the gig for the opportunity to learn about the hell dimension.


Decca: Indian-inspired Fantasy


Em: Manipulative Face (Shadowrun sci fi)