Maitreyi Plays Games

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Decca: Dhruv the Green Dragon reminisces..

One of the things I really like to do is write about my characters out of game. I do this as a GM too and write little blurbs about the world or about specific NPCs that PCs can either read to get further flavour on the world, or engage with, or not pay any attention to and it's just either a little bit of extra fun between games or it's not something that impacts games at all for individuals. I'm stepping out of my box a little with my latest one because it's a little bit lascivious (it's a green dragon thinking back to his days of courtship with someone who might end up being the Big Bad's lieutenant, reminded of it because one of the players reminds him of her) .

So this one's a touch sexual. Did a consent check with the player who is referenced and she said yes.

That voice..

To think that little one would be so brazen...

Even when the slightly less little one with the big ears had just been speaking with him, and his compatriot too, as equals which he forgave but there was enough deference to allow it... His compatriot... That woman though... He thought back to days of his youth - langorously, laciviously, disrobing and running a handful of gold coins and green gems of various depth and sparkle, all over his torso. One thing to say about these things... Their bodies were built for pleasure. He thought back to the long days and short nights with Baali. There were few he considered his intellectual equal but she definitely was one of them. She must be old now though, they age so poorly. This woman though... Why did she remind him of Baali so much? It could be that they were both just young beautiful women ... who seemed to smell a little like coconut... but he liked to think he was a little less superficial than that. He laughed quietly to himself, popping a jade stone into his mouth and chewing on it thoughtfully before continuing to disrobe. Fully naked, he lies on his giant hoard, arms and legs outstretched for a moment before letting his hands wander. He would leave in the morning. His status was not going to be challenged by the bastard offspring of Iymrith. Her reign had gone unchallenged long enough