Thraele: An Introduction

Thraele of the Dark Shadow. Thraele of the Eclipse. Thraele of the Veil. No that one’s dumb. Liches don’t have rhyming names.

She stops writing absently on her parchment and looks into the candlelight, the wax dripped down the side, and the flame itself flickering low now. She hadn’t realized how late it was. Or how early. The sun was going to rise soon. After a long night of research, she had taken a bit of a break and was just doodling now. 

Arcane tomes surround her, open to different pages, various spells hastily copied onto parchment and others memorized. This place had been a treasure trove. She could feel herself getting more powerful.

A corpse of a mage lies on the floor beside her, eyes burned out in his skull, face twisted in agony.

A corpse of a mage lies on the floor beside her, eyes burned out in his skull, face twisted in agony – the owner of this small library. She was with the mercenary group tasked to kill this mage who had angered the local magistrate or something, who knows the petty squabbles of these ridiculous surface dwellers. When they killed him in his home, and she saw the library, she bade farewell to the group and said she was going to spend the night here. They were planning on parting ways after this job anyway, so it was not difficult to convince them to leave her.

It was time to go now though. She pulls on her carved bone helm, only her lips and lower jaw visible now, the giant ram’s horns swooping on either side of the skull, and starts to make her way out, casually sidestepping the corpse. The helm was partially for effect, partially to keep the sun out of her eyes. Though she had spend years outside the Underdark, the sunlight still bothered her and made her squint. And it’s difficult to look terrifying when you squint. 

And terrifying she was, and people should know that just by looking at her. She had reached a point in her powers where she could cast spells without saying a word or moving her hands. She could destroy someone just by looking at them. She wouldn’t, obviously, unless that was in the contract though – why draw unwanted attention? It was time to find another mercenary group though. Whenever they start to moralize on her methods, she finishes one last job with them and moves on. It was that time with this last group.


Both sides now


Decompressing in Chicago